Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 12, 2011

Imagine being 6 years old and never having seen a live animal other than a stray cat or dog.  Today we got to see firsthand how that 6 year old reacts to her first trip to the zoo.  Could've been a horrible nightmare but it ended up being a lovely day.  Josie was a little hesitant at first and clearly didn't understand what we were doing.  But by about the third "enclosure", she had figured it out and was RUNNING to the next one.  And I say RUNNING in all caps because we have been literally dragging this girl (gently and lovingly) around for the past week because she.......is...................so..........................................slow.   But at the zoo, she was like Michael Phelps in the pool (Chinese Olympic reference).  It was fun to see how excited she was and her legs sure do need the exercise.  It also made us wish the boys and Megs were here to enjoy with us.  If it wasn't 10 degrees in Chicago, a trip to Brookfield might be in order.
family shot--hopefully Josie was feeling happier than she looks

baby lions

baby gorilla


lots of funny signs--here's one

 baby tigers

 getting ready to feed giraffes

our whole group


  it's hard to eat corn on the cob with no front teeth--but she did it!  And she liked it!

safari ride through the animals--by then her brain was pretty overwhelmed and she kind of shut down

 Guangzhou "fact of the day":  the 3rd tallest tower in the world is here

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how neat for you guys to get to see the zoo for the first time through the eyes of josie! We are praying for you both and Josie that you continue to bond and learn to communicate and also for your children at home.

    I love reading your updates and seeing what Josie is experienceing for the first time as a 6 year old. When you get her home, she might enjoy a trip to Cosley to see the animals and all the Christmas lights. It's not giraffes and tigers, but probably just as exciting to her!

    Hang in there and keep the updates coming! I love the pictures and what you have to say.

    Love, Brooke
